How to Control Temperature on a Charcoal Grill – Step by Step

Last updated on May 12th, 2020 by

Are you looking to control temperature on a charcoal grill but don’t have a clue? Don’t worry because you have come to the right place.

At first, controlling temperature on a charcoal grill can be a little of a daunting experience. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you learn how to control it correctly and to get the most out of it, you can always achieve the best results without trouble.

Here we are going to explain how to control temperature on a charcoal grill the right way. Care to discover more about it and become an expert on it? Then keep scrolling and learn!


Learn to Control Temperature in 4 Simple Steps

Controlling temperature is not hard in any way unless you are entirely clueless. If you are, then follow the following 4 ways to control it like an expert:

Step 1: Building a 3-Region/2-Region Fire

At first, we will explain how you can build a 3-region fire. You need to lay thick coals out in double-layer over 1/3 of the firebox of your grill, and this 1/3 part should be the most distant from you.

This will work as a hot region for searing. Then you need to lay the coals out that are left in a single layer in the center of the grill, and this will act as a medium region for cooking.

Lastly, you have a fire-free region for cooling in the remaining 1/3 of your grill. By doing so, you can control the temperature easily while placing your food in different regions as per your needs.

Now, we will explain how you can build a 2-region fire. You need to lay out all your coals in an equal layer in the 2/3 region of your grill, which will act as your grilling region. Finally, the remaining 1/3 region will act as your cooling region. Thus, you can control the temperature of your grill over your food.

Step 2: Adjusting the Airflow

There is a basic rule in grilling, which is, the more the air, the hotter it gets, and the less the air, the less hot it gets. So, you need to keep the vents open for allowing air into the grill. Now, there’re 2 types of vents:

Intake Damper (bottom)

Exhaust Damper (top)

Now, it is suggested to keep both the dampers entirely open and to control the temperature you need to use the lid of the exhaust damper. Here are the details of the usage of the lid:

When you keep it entirely open, the temperature’s likely to be around 450-550°F

When you keep it half-open, the temperature’s likely to be around 350-450°F

When you keep it one-fourth open, the temperature’s likely to be around 250-350°F

When you keep it one-fourth to one-eighth open, the temperature’s likely to be around 225-275°F

When you close it entirely, the grill will not work as the temperature will be zero

Lastly, you have to keep in mind that your grill bowl and ash catcher needs to be clean to maintain a sufficient flow of air within your grill. If these get clogged, it can decrease the performance level of your grill.

Step 3: Monitoring the Distance between Food and Coals

Now, this step is easier to understand and implement. Here, the basic principle is that the closer you take your food to the coals, the hotter it will get, and the faster it will cook. But the trick here is to know where the right spot is for your food.


Some of the charcoal grills come with adjustable grates, which can be used to move your food closer or farther away from the coals. Basically, if you need high heat for cooking your food, just move the grate closer to the coals, and if you need low heat for cooking your food, just move the grate farther away from the coals.

Lastly, if your charcoal grill doesn’t have an adjustable grate, then you can follow the process mentioned in step one. 

Step 4: Building a Food Guard

Now, this is a step that you will need when your food is cooking faster than anticipated, and you have to address it as soon as possible to avoid overcooked food.

At first, you have to take a piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil.

Then, you have to fold it three times.

Finally, you need to place this piece under the food which is about to be overcooked.

This guard or shield will allow the food to be cooked slowly by blocking the heat. Basically, the aluminum foil ensures that your food isn’t in direct contact with the excessive heat. And it also helps the uncovered ends of skewers of bamboo from being burnt. How cool is that, right?

You have to keep in mind that it really doesn’t matter how you fold the piece of aluminum foil as long as it is three-layers thick because this reduces the effect of excessive heat.


Start Controlling Temperature on a Charcoal Grill Now!

Does controlling temperature on a charcoal grill look like a hard job? Not at all - even for an inexperienced user, this will be a total piece of cake.

There are many things to consider and tips to follow. But as long as you read this guide carefully and take our advice into account, you can always control any increase or decrease in temperature.

So, are you ready to start controlling temperature on a charcoal grill like an expert? Don’t waste more time and begin now! 

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